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Tag: adoption

Abandoned Dogs Chase Military Cars and Get Surprised

A Facebook post shows that military personal were taking what seems to be a normal drive down the streets in Bolivia but they were...

Blind Shelter Dog Had A Blast On His First Time Out...

Garbanzo is a sweet, gentle-mannered puppy who never had a real home. He has always lived in a shelter and never experienced what it...

11 Dogs that Know How to Sit Perfectly Still for a...

Ever try to get your dog to sit still for a photo? How about more than one dog at a time? How about a pack of dogs that you're just fostering and aren't even yours?

Abandoned Dog Love His New Toys So Much He Sleeps With...

Not only humans experience mishaps and accidents as they live each day. These unfortunate events also happen to animals like dogs. One example is...

Dog Literally Reached Out For Someone To Save And Rescue Him

True dog story.  JJ was so desperate to receive attention – just any kind and form of it. He was so frantic that when...

Adopting Your Pet Through An Animal Rescue Group

Pet rescue organizations provide a fantastic way to obtain your next family pet. These groups are all different, but have common goals. The groups...
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